Elections on 2 May 2024

You'll need to show photo ID to vote in the upcoming elections. No ID? Apply for a free Voter Authority Certificate by 5pm Wednesday 24 April. If you can't vote in person, you still have time to apply for a proxy vote by 5pm on Wednesday 24 April. Find all the key details on our election news page.



Our Careline (Telecare) service provides emergency support for vulnerable people living in the Harlow area.

When you active the Careline alarm system a call centre operator will answer your call and help you get the assistance you need.

They might call a member of your family, your GP, the emergency services or simply offer advice.​

The Careline service is available 24-hours a day, 365 days of the year.

Who can use it

It is available to anyone of any age who feels at risk for any reason.

It can be used in:

  • your home (both council tenants and homeowners)
  • shops
  • offices


For a free demonstration and more information, complete the Careline Enquiry online form.

How it works

The alarm unit is linked to the call centre through an existing telephone line.

 A portable pendant, which can be worn around the house or garden, is supplied with each unit.

By pressing the button on the pendant you will automatically trigger a call to the alarm monitoring centre to ask for assistance. You can also press the large red button on the alarm unit.

The call centre operator will automatically know who is calling, even if you are unable to answer and tell us what is wrong. They will have details, provided by you, of your relatives, friends, doctors or neighbours who you would like contacted in an emergency.

We will make sure that you receive the assistance you need in the fastest possible time.

If you press the alarm by accident, you don’t need to worry, just tell the operator that you are ok and that it is a false alarm.


For Harlow Council tenants the charge for your Careline alarm service will be added to a second account, linked to your rent account.

For homeowners or private renters you will be invoiced for the Careline alarm service. Invoices are raised in advance for the whole financial year (1 April to 31 March). Annual invoices can be paid by: