Elections on 2 May 2024

You'll need to show photo ID to vote in the upcoming elections. No ID? Apply for a free Voter Authority Certificate by 5pm Wednesday 24 April. If you can't vote in person, you still have time to apply for a proxy vote by 5pm on Wednesday 24 April. Find all the key details on our election news page.


Street sign problem

We are responsible for providing and maintaining street name signs.

You can report issues with street signs to us, if they are:

  • damaged
  • faded
  • graffiti covered
  • spelt incorrectly
  • missing

You can also request a new street sign, as long as you have a reason why it is needed.

To report a problem with a street sign, you will need:

  • the location of the sign
  • description of the problem
  • a photo of the problem (if you have one)
  • your contact details