Council response to flooding across the town

Published date

Harlow Council has issued the following statement this morning (22 May 2024) following flooding in the town last night and overnight:

Councillor Nicky Purse, Cabinet Portfolio Holder for Environment, said:

“We are aware that several areas of the town have experienced significant flooding due to the heavy rainfall. Our teams worked throughout the night to support residents who have been impacted and continue to do so today. An emergency call was also made to Thames Water late last night due to overflowing drains in many of the most affected areas. 

“Sandbags will continue to be delivered today and we urge any residents affected by flooding to contact us on 01279 446655 or on 01279 446666 out of normal office hours. The heavy rainfall is forecast to continue today and overnight so the situation is being kept under review. 

“We are in contact with Essex Highways and Thames Water as both are responsible for the town’s drainage and we need to ensure that the maintenance of these facilities is prioritised to protect our streets and homes from flooding during heavy rainfall. 

“I would like to thank everyone who continues to support residents and thank Essex Fire Service who helped to clear water from the most affected areas."

Further flooding advice for residents is as follows:

  • In the event of an emergency or where there is a threat to life, dial 999
  • To report flooding caused by overflowing sewers, call Thames Water on 0800 316 9800
  • To report flooding from local rivers and waterways, call the Environment Agency on 0345 988 1188
  • Where flooding is affecting roads and highways, call Essex County Council on 03456 037 631
  • If you are a Harlow Council tenant who is affected, call Harlow Council on 01279 446655 or 01279 446666 if your call is out of hours
  • Reports relating to overflowing sewers can also be viewed and reported to Thames Water 
  • The latest weather warnings can be found on the Met Office website