Council widens its climate change ambitions

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Harlow Council has set out its wider ambitions for addressing climate change across the town. 

Last year the council set a target of hitting Net Zero carbon emissions from its operations by 2040. In July 2019 the council declared a climate emergency, which set out several climate change pledges. The council is working hard to ensure that it continues to reduce its carbon emissions from its operations.

To build on these pledges the council will be developing a broader Climate Change Strategy for the town as a whole. The strategy will set out how Harlow Council can achieve Net Zero through its own operations. It will also outline how it can influence the wider community and local economy to deliver reductions in emissions for the town. 

Last night (24 March 2022) Cabinet approved a report that sets out seven key objectives for the strategy, these are 

1. To achieve Net Zero emissions from the Council’s operational buildings, land, vehicles, and services, including those provided by service delivery partners

2. To achieve Net Zero emissions from all homes and the built environment within Harlow

3. To reduce consumption of resources, reduce waste and increase reuse and recycling in Harlow

4. To adopt good stewardship of the natural environment across the town to support both climate change adaptation and mitigation

5. To achieve a significant modal shift towards more sustainable means of transport

6. To promote reduction of emissions by businesses to Net Zero, supported by a successful green economy

7. To lead and encourage local communities, partners and stakeholders to reduce their emissions and contribute positively to meeting the challenges posed by climate change

Councillor Alastair Gunn, Cabinet Member for Governance, said:

“Tackling climate change is this century’s single most pressing challenge – and not just in the long term as the current volatility in gas prices shows, forcing up the cost of living. How we meet the challenge will define the world in which we all live and will impact all of our lives, including for generations to come.

“The council has made clear its commitment to achieve net zero by 2040 but if we are to effectively tackle climate change in Harlow, we must do more as a town. Every resident, business and organisation has a role to play in helping to create a better environment for us all to live in. Building on the work the council has already done we will be broadening our work further to see what other actions as a town we can take.”

It is expected that the Next Steps to Net Zero: Climate Change Strategy will be developed for presentation to Cabinet in autumn 2022.