Hundreds of street signs to be replaced to help restore pride

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A programme of replacing old and faded streets signs is now underway as part of Harlow Council’s priority to restore pride in Harlow.

More than 1,600 blue street signs are in the process of being replaced with the council’s replacement programme set to be completed by the end of March.  

The programme follows an audit last year of all 2,670 street name signs in the town which identified every single street sign which is not up to date with the latest specification, or is worn, faded, broken, damaged or missing. 

Street name signs and estate map boards will be replaced with new ones which are made of sustainable recycled plastic. The signs in the poorest conditions are being replaced first.

A further 16 heritage estate name boards, which date back to the 60s and 70s, have already been specially restored to their former glory. 

Councillor Nicky Purse, cabinet portfolio holder for environment and sustainability, said:

"Replacing old, broken, or missing street signs is all about restoring pride in Harlow. There have been too many old or broken signs in our housing estates and on our streets for far too long and this programme will ensure that every one of them is replaced. Out of the total number of street signs we are replacing nearly 60% which makes this a major town-wide programme.

“We know restoring pride in Harlow is important to our residents and we are delivering visible change through programmes like this which is helping to improve the appearance of our streets and housing estates."