Next phase of rebuilding Harlow town centre to begin

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Construction works on the next phase of the rebuild of the town centre with the transformation of Broad Walk will begin this month.

After months of planning and the completion of detailed designs, Conamar have set up a construction compound in Market Square. Invasive site investigations have also taken place across Broad Walk all in preparation to start construction work.

The multi-million-pound regeneration of Broad Walk will create high-quality, welcoming spaces, including the complete repaving of Broad Walk, Cross Street and East Walk, brand new LED lighting and CCTV provision, street furniture and the introduction of much needed green, landscaped spaces to complement and continue existing landscaping within The Water Gardens.

The scheme is funded through the Government’s Town Deals programme, forming part of Harlow’s Towns Fund programme. This phase marks a milestone in transforming Harlow town centre and supports the council’s aspirations to provide a high-quality and safe retail, leisure and residential destination at the heart of Harlow and Gilston Garden Town.

Construction work will begin at the end of September, starting with Cross Street. The scheme will be delivered in phases working at The Water Gardens end of Broad Walk first, working north, finishing at Market Square. The scheme will take 12 – 18 months and businesses will be operating as usual, with pedestrian access always maintained during opening hours.

Councillor Dan Swords, Leader of Harlow Council, said:

“This scheme will see the transformation of Broad Walk as the council gets ready to start another phase of rebuilding our town centre. 

"Important outdoor areas of the town centre will be transformed with green landscaping, new pavements and new street furniture to create a safer, brighter, more welcoming place for shoppers, visitors and potential investors. 

"This is all about putting the heart back into Harlow’s town centre and it’s just one part of the town centre that we are rebuilding. Work to transform the bus station and Terminus Street is well underway, plus work starts early next year on the new arts and cultural quarter and plans will shortly be confirmed for the redevelopment of Market Square."