Next step approved for council housebuilding contracts

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Harlow Council is set to award contracts for the building of 14 more new homes as part of its council housebuilding programme. 

Harlow’s cabinet on 23 March approved a report which paves the way for the council to appoint contractors to construct 8 three-bedroom council houses at a disused garage site in Arkwrights and 6 one- and-two-bedroom bungalows at The Yorkes in Tye Green. 

Both developments, which have been given planning permission, will provide new council homes. All homes will be allocated to Harlow families on the Housing Needs Register. 

The homes will be built using the latest energy-saving technology to help deliver low running costs for tenants. The new homes in The Yorkes will be exclusively for over 55s. 

Councillor Michael Hardware, cabinet portfolio holder for regeneration and strategic growth, said: 

“Moving forward with awarding these contracts will deliver two more council house developments for Harlow families. Our council housebuilding programme will build the right homes in the right places to the highest standards so that we can improve the lives of Harlow families and restore pride in our neighbourhoods by regenerating disused land.”

Construction work on both developments is likely to start in the autumn.