A solution has been found for local horse riders to use Risden Woods to safely access local bridleways and byways.
The trial, which will initially run for six months, comes after Harlow Council, Natural England and the horse riders worked together to find a solution. The trial will operate under a temporary licence.
The riders from Oak Farm stables, which include several children, will be given access to a specified route through Risden Woods so that they can safely access bridleways and byways which minimises the time they need to spend on roads.
There will also be measures in place to monitor the ground conditions to protect the Site of Special Scientific Interest (SSSI) status of the woods.
Councillor Nicky Purse, cabinet portfolio holder for sustainability and environment, said:
“I am delighted that by working with the horse riders and Natural England we have been able to find a solution which we can trial for the next six months. The trial aims to give the riders safe access to byways and bridleways as well as protect the status of the woods as a valuable and well-loved SSSI."
Hollie Oake from Oak Farm stables, said:
“I am really pleased that we have been able to come to a sensible decision for all.”