There are some UK Met Office weather warnings of thunderstorms in place for the next few days (28 May and 29 May).
Currently these warnings do not cover Harlow. However, the council and our maintenance company HTS are on standby in case there is any localised flooding or storm damage
The following ‘just in case’ advice is being shared with you:
In the event of an emergency or where there is a threat to life, dial 999.
To report flooding caused by overflowing sewers, call Thames Water on 0800 316 9800.
To report flooding from local rivers and waterways, call the Environment Agency on 0345 988 1188.
Where flooding is affecting roads and highways, call Essex County Council on 03456 037 631.
Out of normal office hours Harlow Council can be contacted in an emergency on 01279 446666.
If you are a Harlow Council tenant affected by flooding or damage to your home, call us on 01279 446655 or 01279 446666 if your call is out of hours.
Fallen trees can be reported between 9am and 4.45pm Monday to Friday on (01279) 446655 or to 01279 446666 outside these times.
Fallen trees on roads should be reported to Essex Highways on 0345 603 7631.
The latest weather warnings are on the Met Office website.