Nominations for Harlow heritage sites open

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Harlow Council is looking for nominations from the public for buildings and cultural assets to be added to its local list of heritage sites.

In addition to Harlow’s nationally listed buildings, there is also a local list which, whilst not meeting criteria to be government listed, are recognised for their local historic or architectural value. These assets can include buildings, structures and places such as important statues, war memorials, churches, phone boxes or former banks.

Anything included on the local list is subject to special considerations if there are any planning applications made in relation to them, to ensure that their special character is maintained. Examples of the buildings on the local list, which was last updated in 2013, include the fire engine station and former magistrates court in Mulberry Green, St Mary’s Hall in Churchgate Street, and various houses and other buildings in Mulberry Terrace, Oddfellow’s Terrace, Bury Road and St John’s Avenue.

The list is now due to be updated and views are being sought from the public on what historically important local assets should be added to the list.

Residents can nominate more than one asset, which will then be scored on the basis of architectural, aesthetic, archaeological and historical, cultural and social interest. Once the shortlist has been produced it will be put out to public consultation, with the results of this being used to update the local list.

Councillor Michael Hardware, cabinet portfolio holder for regeneration and strategic growth, said:

“The purpose of our local list is to raise awareness of the many important non-designated heritage assets that we have throughout the town. Whilst the local list doesn’t provide the council with any extra statutory powers, it is important for us to formally recognise these assets as being of local, cultural significance and are integral to the character of Harlow.

“In addition the local list is used as a material planning consideration when determining an application which may affect assets on the list, so that we can ensure their integrity is maintained.

“We look forward to hearing from residents on what they want to see added to the list.”

To make nominations visit our Listed Buildings page, where you can also view the current local list.

Nominations for the shortlist will be accepted up until 5pm on Friday 23 June 2023.