Town Park paddling pool mural unveiled

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An arts project has brought fresh colour to the Town Park paddling pool with a new mural inspired by the work of local children. The mural decorates the wall surrounding the pool, which was previously beige but in need of repainting.

The mural was created by artist Els Morris with creative input from students at The Downs Primary School. Morris worked with 4 classes at The Downs over 3 days with the children painting letters and animals inspired by their connection with nature, which Morris then brought together in the final design. In total, around 120 children have been involved.

Painting a mural in UK summer is no easy task, and Morris has had to dodge the rain over the last 2 weeks to get the mural finished in time for the paddling pool opening on Monday 22 July. Thankfully, she received help from both the Town Park volunteers and HTS.

The mural was part of a mini residency programme called A Healthier Future arranged by Harlow Creates, a subgroup of the Health and Wellbeing Partnership Board, led by Harlow Council.

A Healthier Future has seen three artists collaborating with three schools to create three exciting pieces of art. The other two projects taking place as part of A Healthier Future, were a circus performance and sculpture project.

The circus performance was created and performed by 58 children at Tany’s Dell, with the support of circus artist Maddie McGowan. This was performed at the bandstand earlier in the month.

The sculpture project saw temporary willow sculptures created by around 90 children at St Alban’s Catholic Academy in collaboration with Eloise Pilbeam, an abstract sculptural artist. These will be displayed in the sensory garden in the Town Park from Monday 22 July.