On this page, you can find information on common parking problems:
Commercial vehicles
There are no restrictions on commercial vehicles parking in residential areas, so we cannot take any action against them.
In permitted areas, the commercial vehicle must display a valid permit.
We recommend you speak to the owner of the vehicle to see if you can agree on a better parking arrangement.
Parking on pavements
If a vehicle has all 4 wheels on the pavement, you can report this to Essex Police on 101.
Blocked driveway
If a parked car is blocking your driveway you can report this to the North Essex Parking Partnership and Essex Police on 101.
If you report the blocked driveway and more than 50% of the vehicle is parked across the driveway, we can issue a Penalty Charge Notice to the vehicle. However, we cannot remove the vehicle itself.
Blocked dropped kerb
If a vehicle is obstructing a dropped kerb you can report this to the North Essex Parking Partnership with the vehicle registration number.
Cars for sale
There is no law to prevent private individuals from selling their own car.
If a company has left two or more cars for sale on the road within 500 metres of each other, you can report this to us and we can take action against them.