Traffic orders

A traffic order is a legal document that helps manage traffic flow, speed limits and where you can park.

A traffic order is needed for:

  • parking places
  • waiting, loading and unloading bays
  • yellow lines
  • one-way streets
  • prohibitions of vehicles
  • vehicle weight restrictions
  • bus lanes
  • cycle lanes


You can also find details of traffic orders affecting the Harlow area on the North Essex Parking Partnership website.

We advertise and consult on all traffic orders. Anyone can object to, or support, any of the proposed orders.

You must submit your comments before the end of the consultation period. Details on how you can submit your comments and the deadline are included in each order.

At the end of the consultation period, we will consider all feedback before making a decision on whether to implement the order.

The proposed traffic order goes through three stages:

  1. Notice of intention -  the formal announcement of the proposed traffic order and the consultation closing date.
  2. Notice of making - the formal announcement that the traffic order will go ahead, which we produce after the consultation if there are no changes required.
  3. Order - this provides details of the traffic order and restrictions, as well as the date the order will come into effect.