Street trading licence

If you want to sell on the street you need a street trading licence.

You will be able to apply for a street trading licence if you:

  • are over 17
  • have the right to live and work in the UK
  • do not have any of the relevant criminal convictions (there is more information on this in the application form)

To apply for, or renew, a street trading licence, you need to:

  • complete the street trading licence application form (pdf)
  • send the application form to the Licensing Team
  • pay the £450 fee
  • submit one full-faced passport photo
  • submit a photograph of the vehicle or stall to be used
  • Submit a basic DBS certificate for each applicant and employee (must be dated within 28 day of your application)
  • submit a copy of your waste transfer agreement
  • submit a copy of your public liability insurance
  • submit landowner permission if trading on private land - you can carry out a Land Registry search to find out who the land owner is, if the land belongs to Harlow Council contact our Property and Facilities team for permission
  • submit details of employees that will work at vehicle
  • submit a street map (1:1250) including road and building names with the exact location marked on it (for fixed site applications) or all proposed stops you will be making (unfixed site applications) - you will need to find a street trading location or route yourself, we cannot find a location for you
  • submit a copy of MOT and insurance certificates (for mobile licences only)

For information on trading at Harlow market, see our market pitches page

There are some areas in Harlow where street trading is not allowed. Read the list of prohibited streets (pdf)

Once we receive your application, we will:

  • acknowledge it within 5 working days
  • contact other authorities if necessary, such as the police or Essex Highways
  • allow 28 days for representations

We will only refuse your application if:

  • there is not enough space in the street you wish to trade in, without causing interference or inconvenience to street users
  • you wish to trade for fewer than any minimum required trading days
  • you have previously failed to pay fees due under another street trading licence or have failed to use a previous street trading licence

If we receive any representations, we will consider your application and if necessary, issue a decision notice with any changes that have been made.

You have a right to appeal against this decision within 7 days. We will then consider any further evidence supplied and may hold a hearing for councillors to consider. We will notify you of their decision.

If we do not receive any representations, we will grant the licence.

You can find more information in our street trading licensing policy (pdf)