The Harlow Growth Board is a partnership of key stakeholders from the public, private and third sector which have a strong presence in Harlow.
The board will help implement our Town Investment Plan (TIP) submitted as part of Harlow Council’s successful Towns Fund bid.
The board will also provide strategic direction for the town’s growth and prosperity, coordinating strategic investments due to take place in Harlow including:
- the relocation of UK Health Security Agency (formally known as Public Health England)
- regeneration of Harlow town centre
- the building of the Harlow Science Park and Enterprise Zone
- Harlow and Gilston Garden Town
- the new Princess Alexandra Hospital
You can read full details on the role of the board in the Growth Board terms of reference
John Keddie (chair of Harlow Growth Board) - John Keddie is the independent chair of the Harlow Growth Board. John was for many years a senior executive in a global company with a significant research and development base in Harlow. He has chaired the Enterprise Zone Board and Place Board and is currently a member of Anglia Ruskin University Board.
Chief Executive of Harlow Council
Robert Halfon - Member of Parliament for Harlow
Councillor Dan Swords - Leader of Harlow Council
Andrew Bramidge - Chief Executive of Harlow Council
Councillor Michael Hardware - Portfolio Holder for Strategic Growth
Guy Nicholson - Independent Chair of Harlow and Gilston Garden Town
Chair of Princess Alexandra Hospital
Michael Harrowven - Non-Exec Chair at HTS Group Ltd and HTS (Property & Environment) Ltd
John McGill - Director at The UK Innovation Corridor
Councillor Lee Scott - Essex County Council
Steve Evison - Essex County Council
Martin John - Director of the Science Hub Programme at UK Health Security Agency
Helen Russell - Chief Operating Officer at The South East Local Enterprise Partnership
Will Allanson - Deputy Principal at Harlow College
Professor Yvonne Barnett - Deputy Vice-Chancellor for Research and Innovation at Anglian Ruskin University
Chris Snow - Chair of Harlow Art Trust
Representative from the Department for Work and Pensions
Gregory Wilkinson - Department for Levelling Up, Housing and Communities
Chris Chapman - Chair of Harlow Chamber of Commerce
Adam Ward - Chair of BMAT Trust
You can read the latest agendas and minutes of the Harlow Growth Board meetings