Elections on 2 May 2024

You'll need to show photo ID to vote in the upcoming elections. No ID? Apply for a free Voter Authority Certificate by 5pm Wednesday 24 April. If you can't vote in person, you still have time to apply for a proxy vote by 5pm on Wednesday 24 April. Find all the key details on our election news page.



We take our responsibility for engaging with local people and businesses seriously.

Wherever we can, we aim to take your views into consideration when we make decisions about things that affect you. 

Current consultations

Market Square

We have received government funding (Towns Fund) to regenerate Market Square as part of our plan to put the heart back into Harlow town centre.

Work has begun on Market Square with the demolition of 21 The Rows in December 2023 which opened up the area in front of the neighbouring shops and widened the footpath.

We are now consulting on our future plans for Market Square. These plans include:

  • a new water feature to create a focal point for the square
  • a natural playground with play equipment, boulders and logs
  • a lawn area for socialising and informal seating
  • a rain garden to promote sustainability and greenery
  • a grass mound to provide play opportunities
  • a timber decking area
  • a timber top balancing trail to form part of the play opportunities

We also have plans for a programme of activities, which include:

  • daily:
    • outdoor eating and drinking
    • street trading and pop up stalls
  • weekly:
    • local producer and artisan markets
  • monthly:
    • pop up art displays
  • annually:
    • Christmas light display
    • multicultural festivals

We would like to get your views on these plans.

You can also have your say by dropping into the Discover Harlow Hub in the Harvey Centre (next to The Works) between 11am and 2pm every Thursday.

This consultation closes in May 2024.

Roof signs on private hire vehicles

We are consulting on the use of the white 'pre-booked only' roof signs on Harlow licensed private hire vehicles - often called cabs or minicabs.

Private hire vehicles licensed in Harlow currently have a condition to display a roof sign. We are using this consultation to consider the benefits of displaying a roof sign and whether this condition should be kept, changed or removed.

You can give us your views on roof signs using our online form. We have one form for members of the public, and a separate form for trade members - either a licenced driver, vehicle owner or operator, or anyone involved in the trade in someway.

This consultation closes on Friday 19 April 2024.