Includes consultations, public notices, petitions, questions at council meetings, complaints and housing panels and forums.
Includes transparency information, data protection, our privacy notice and freedom of information (FOI) requests.
Includes how to find your local councillors, the chair of the council, complaints against councillors, councillor allowances and Youth Council.
Includes details of all our committees, including Full Council and Cabinet.
Includes a searchable list of our policies, plans and strategies.
Includes our statement of accounts, budgets, spending over £500, staff pay and performance.
Information on how the council works from the Full Council to council staff, as well as our corporate plan.
Sets out how we operate, how we make decisions and the procedures we follow to ensure that these are efficient, transparent and accountable to local people.
Includes our social media channels and how we use them.
Reports and action plans from our latest peer reviews.
How to make an insurance claim against the council or HTS and how we handle your claim.
How to contact us if you cannot find what you need from our website.