Housing verification checks

If you are shortlisted for a council property, we will make verification checks into your circumstances to make sure you meet the criteria and that we issue houses fairly.

A Homefinder Officer may contact you to let you know what information you will need to provide.

You will have 24 hours (excluding weekends) to provide the documents.

You need to send the information to home.finder@harlow.gov.uk including your name and address.

You can also bring the documents into the Civic Centre for them to be copied. You will need to let the reception staff know that the documents are for your housing application verification.

If you do not provide the documents within 24 hours, we may bypass you for an offer of housing.

Below is a guide (it does not include everything) as to the kind of information that we might need you to provide.

Local connection


We will need to see proof of residence for the previous 7 years for all members of your household. This includes all adults and all children.

Examples of what you could provide are:

  • Council Tax bills, Housing Benefit award letters and utility bills covering the previous 7 years
  • one bank statement per year for each adult for the previous 7 years
  • letters from schools verifying the address history of the child or children
  • Child Benefit or Child Tax Credit award letters covering the previous 7 years

If you are aged over 65 and applying to move to Harlow for supported or sheltered housing, we will need to see proof of your relative’s identity, their relationship to you and proof of their residency in Harlow. Examples of what you could provide are:

  • Council Tax bills for the previous 7 years
  • one bank statement per year to show the residency of your relative in Harlow
  • full birth certificate of the relative and full birth certificate from you to show the relationship - please include change of name documentation where a name change has occurred


We will need to see proof of identity for all members of your household. Examples of what you could provide for all adults are:

  • full birth certificate
  • valid passport
  • full driving licence
  • share code (proof of your right to rent)

You will need to provide full birth certificates for all dependent children.

Financial resources

Income, benefits, savings and equity

For joint applicants, you need to provide proof of income for both applicants. Examples of what you could provide are:

  • most recent P60
  • last 8 payslips
  • benefit award letters
  • recent bank statements showing proof of benefits
  • bank statements showing savings
  • ISA, Premium Bonds or any other savings account statements
  • current valuation of your property
  • current mortgage statement

Housing debts

You will need to provide a current rent statement to show that the rent account is clear.

Where there are housing-related debts either singly or jointly of £1000 or more you will need to provide proof that you have an existing repayment plan that has been in place for the previous 12 months. Examples of what you could provide are:

  • copy of an existing repayment plan