Covenant control


Residential extensions

Residential extensions form part of the restrictive covenants that apply to most of the properties in Harlow.

If your property has covenants controlled by Harlow Council and you want to build an extension, you need to get permission from us first.

If you are unsure whether there are any covenants on your property, inspect the deeds or seek legal advice.


Porches, extensions, alterations to roofs and external cladding

All alterations should be of sympathetic design and appearance to the existing.

Porches to the front and sides of property can have a dominating effect on the overall design of the dwelling and therefore should be of moderate proportions. As a general guide, porches and front extensions to flat fronted terraced properties should be no more than half the width of the front elevation and a maximum of 1.5 metres in overall depth and a maximum of 3 square metres overall floor area.

Proposals to alter the front of existing roofs will generally be refused unless there are extreme or very special circumstances or the house is an isolated detached property.

No alteration to a roof will be allowed to alter the existing ridge height unless the property can be viewed in isolation. Rear dormers of excessive bulk are to be avoided.

External cladding to include insulation will not require a covenant application where similar materials to those existing are used.

Solar and photovoltaic panels

Roof mounted solar and photovoltaic panels will not normally require a covenant application unless in a conservation area.

Garden structures


Garden sheds not exceeding 15 square metres in floor area do not require any covenant consent providing they have flat or very low pitched roofs

Outbuildings and garages

General outbuildings such as workshops, games rooms, pet enclosures etc., should be restricted to no larger than the size of a standard double garage, 26 sq. metres and should have a flat or very low pitched roof. Such structures are to be positioned in gardens so as to cause as little disturbance to neighbours as possible.

Replacement windows and doors

Windows and doors will not normally require a covenant application where they are replaced like for like.


You can find the application form and fees on our main covenant control page