Housing Delivery Test

We have to complete a Housing Delivery Test (HDT) every year to make sure enough homes are being built to meet Harlow’s housing need.

The test compares the number of actual new homes built in Harlow over the previous 3 years with the number of homes that were needed over that same period.

Number of homes needed

Number of homes needed
Year Homes needed
2015 to 2016 326
2016 to 2017 329
2017 to 2018 353

Total number of homes needed: 1008

Number of homes built

Number of homes built
Year Homes built
2015 to 2016 225
2016 to 2017 340
2017 to 2018 281

Number of homes delivered: 846


Housing Delivery Test 2018 measure: 84%

Housing Delivery Test 2018 consequence: Buffer

As the delivery test was below 85% we will need to make sure 20% more homes are built in the next 5 years above the housing requirement.

As the delivery test was below 95% we have to prepare an Action Plan to address the reasons for the shortfall and the actions we will take to improve delivery in the future.

Housing Delivery Action Plan (pdf)