The new Local Plan was adopted at Full Council on 10 December 2020 and has replaced the Adopted Replacement Local Plan.
The Local Plan sets out the framework to guide and shape development in Harlow to 2033.
We published the Pre-Submission Publication of the Local Plan in May 2018. This was the final version of the Local Plan for consultation before it was submitted for examination.
The plan was submitted to the Secretary of State for examination on 19 October 2018.
David Reed was appointed by the Secretary of State to carry out the independent examination of the plan to consider whether the plan has been prepared in accordance with the tests of soundness set out in government guidance and legislation.
We also appointed an independent Local Plan Programme Officer, Andrea Copsey, who assisted the Inspector with the examination as well as responding to queries from respondents.
Examination hearing sessions were held in March and April 2019.
Between December 2019 and October 2020, we worked with the Inspector to prepare the Main Modifications to the plan. These made sure the plan is legally sound and addresses any issues raised by the Inspector and contributors at the examination.
An initial Schedule of Main Modifications was published for consultation between March and May 2020, alongside schedules of additional modifications and changes to the policies map. A Sustainability Appraisal and Habitats Regulation Assessment were also published and formed part of the consultation.
In September 2020, the Inspector asked the council to undertake a 2-week consultation on new household projections which had been released by central government in June 2020.
The Inspector considered the responses to these consultations and issued a final report, including a revised schedule of Main Modifications. He concluded that the revised Main Modifications would make the plan sound, so the changes were made and the plan was formally adopted by the council on 10 December 2020.