New household projections consultation

After the Main Modifications consultation, the Inspector raised queries with the council about the government’s publication of new 2018-based household projections.

The council’s responses were published on our website:

A further query was received from the Inspector in July 2020, who asked the council to submit a written evidence-based statement on whether a meaningful change in the housing situation had subsequently occurred.

On 4 September 2020, the council submitted a statement to the Inspector, in the form of a report updating overall housing need using the 2018-based projections (pdf)

While the report demonstrates some variation from the 2014-based projections, the conclusion of the report is that the 2018-based projections do not represent a meaningful change in the housing situation.

We do not consider that the housing requirement of 9,200 set out in the Pre-Submission Publication version of the Local Plan needs to be adjusted. We also do not consider that this affects the justification for the need to release green belt land.

On 8 September 2020, the Inspector advised the council that we need to provide an opportunity for interested parties to make comments on the report, so we are running a consultation.

Consultees who have previously expressed interest in the new Local Plan will be notified of this consultation.

Hard copies of this document can be posted upon request, subject to the availability of staff resources in the Civic Centre, which are currently limited due to the ongoing coronavirus pandemic.

Your comments

The consultation closed on Friday 25 September 2020. We received a number of responses, which were forwarded to the Inspector for his consideration.

You can read the responses to the new household projections consultation (pdf)