Emergency information

An emergency could include:

  • heavy snow and ice
  • flooding and storms
  • terror attacks
  • major fires
  • major power outages

What to do in an emergency 

In heavy snow and ice, you can look at the Met Office website for advice

In flooding and storms, look at GOV.UK for advice

In terror attacks, look at the Essex Police website for advice

In major fires, look at the Essex Fire and Rescue website for advice

In major power outages, look at the Power Cut 105 website for advice

If you need more advice about how to prepare for an emergency, you can look at the Essex Resilience Forum website

Where to find information

The safest thing to do in a major emergency or severe weather is to follow instructions from the emergency services.

You can find weather warnings on:

You can get information from local radio, TV and the internet.


We'll post information on our homepage, our Facebook page, and on our X profile.

Information will also be available from BBC Essex, Essex police and Essex Fire and Rescue


BBC Look East

ITV Anglia News

Local radio

Heart Essex 101.7FM

BBC Essex 103.5FM