
You can find weather warnings on:

Find out if you’re at risk of flooding

Through GOV.UK, you can find out if you’re:

You can also sign up for flood warnings.

If you live in an area at risk of flooding, you can get advice on how to prepare on the National Flood Forum website

Report flooding from a sewer or a burst water main

To report flooding from a:

  • sewer call Thames Water on 0800 316 9800
  • burst water main call Affinity Water on 0800 376 5325

If the flooding is on a road, you should also call Essex County Council on 03456 037 631

Report flooding from a river

To report flooding from a river:

  • call the Environment Agency on 0345 988 1188

If the flooding is on a road, you should also call Essex County Council on 03456 037 631

Report flooding in a council home

If you are a Harlow Council tenant affected by flooding:

  • call Harlow Council on 01279 446655 (01279 446666 out of hours)