Market trader parking permit

We offer permits to traders with a pitch on Harlow's market.

The permit allows you access to park in the Post Office Road car park.

To apply for a parking permit, you need to email for an application form.

You will send to send us your completed application form along with a copy of your:

  • pitch rental agreement
  • vehicle logbook (V5)
  • valid insurance certificate

You will also need to ring 01279 446655 to pay the correct annual fee from the table below by credit or debit card.

Cost of an annual permit depending on how many days you trade per week
Annual permit type Fee
1 day trading per week £58
2 day trading per week £115
3 day trading per week £170
4 day trading per week £225
5 day trading per week £280

Market trader parking permits are valid for a year and must be renewed each year.