Harlow Council consulted on the Core Strategy Issues and Options document, which sets out the key issues affecting Harlow and potential options for planning the town's future.
The consultation took place between 22 November 2010 and 28 January 2011 and involved stakeholders, residents and hard-to-reach groups.
- consultation summary report (pdf)
- consultation document (pdf)
- consultation leaflet (pdf)
- consultation questionnaire (pdf)
- Sustainability Appraisal Scoping Report (pdf)
- Sustainability Appraisal Report (pdf)
- Sustainability Appraisal Report - Non-Technical Summary (pdf)
- Habitat Regulations Assessment Screening Report (pdf)
- Habitat Regulations Assessment Screening Report - Non-Technical Summary (pdf)
The Issues and Options summary report includes examples of publicity reports in the appendix. Other examples include:
- Harlow Star -19 November 2010 - Video: Harlow Council seeks views on development plans
- Harlow Star - 12 January 2011 - Shoppers to have their say on Harlow's future
- Harlow Scene - 18 November 2010 - Consultation to be held on Harlow’s future (LDF)
- BBC Essex On-line - 23 November 2010 - Harlow commuters have their say on future of the town
- LDF Consultation Video (on YouTube) - 15 November 2010 - a short video produced by Harlow Council explaining the role of the LDF
Initial frontloading
We began our initial frontloading consultation work by holding an exhibition at the Harlow Town Show in September 2007.
The objective was to raise awareness of the Local Plan process and questionnaires were distributed across the town to find out what Harlow residents wanted for the future of the town.
- Happy Birthday Harlow questionnaire and summary report - September 2007 (pdf)
- Feedback from drop-in sessions at Harlow Town Show - September 2007 (pdf)
- Transport questionnaire report with Essex County Council - September 2007 (pdf)
Harlow Renaissance and Harlow 2020 organised a joint LDF workshop in June 2008 to provide input to Harlow Council in its development of the LDF by creating some shared aspirations to help shape the Core Strategy and the issues and options stage of the LDF.
Two workshop events were held by Harlow Council on the 15 June and 28 July 2009 for Harlow Council Officers and Members respectively. The aim was to raise awareness of Harlow’s LDF Core Strategy and to gather from members and officers information on existing and emerging issues to underpin the LDF.
- Harlow Council Members presentation - July 2009 (pdf)
- Local Development Framework Core Strategy Issues and Options workshop events report - August 2009 (pdf)
Two informal workshops were held on 8 and 13 October 2009 for ‘community’ and ‘key sector’ stakeholders. The workshops followed the same format as the workshops for Council Officers and Members in June and July 2009. The aim was to engage stakeholders, including the public, in the LDF process and their views on the key issues affecting Harlow and potential options for addressing these.