Local Plan examination latest news

All documents mentioned can be viewed on our examination documents page



30 November 2020: Harlow Council has published responses to the new household projections consultation, the Inspector’s report on the examination and the final version of the Main Modifications schedule


8 September 2020: Harlow Council has published a new report relating to housing need. A consultation on this report has started and runs until 12pm on Friday 25 September 2020. Local Plan consultees will receive a notification about this. Related correspondence with the Inspector has also been published.


25 August 2020: Harlow Council has published a letter in response to the Inspector’s query about the Use Classes Order.

20 August 2020: Harlow Council has published a further letter from the Inspector regarding the Use Classes Order.

4 August 2020: Harlow Council has published a letter from the Inspector regarding national changes to the Use Classes Order.


21 July 2020: Harlow Council has published a letter from the Inspector regarding the new ONS 2018-based household projections.

6 July 2020: Harlow Council has published a note in response to a query from the Inspector regarding household projections.


29 June 2020: Harlow Council has published a letter that was sent from the Harlow Alliance Party to the Inspector.

18 June 2020: Harlow Council has published the Main Modifications consultation Schedule of Responses and related correspondence with the Inspector.


6 May 2020: Harlow Council has published an explanatory note in response to queries from the Inspector on population and household projections (EX0077).


27 March 2020: Due to the coronavirus pandemic, libraries and other public buildings in Harlow - where documents relating to the Main Modifications consultation could be viewed - have closed until further notice. Harlow Council will send relevant hard documents, free of charge, to anyone who requests them. More details can be found on the Main Modifications page. The consultation period has also been extended and it now closes on Sunday 31 May 2020.

12 March 2020: Harlow Council has begun consultation on the Main Modifications to the Local Plan, including the Sustainability Appraisal and Habitats Regulation Assessment. The consultation was due to close on Monday 27 April 2020, but this has now been extended to Sunday 31 May 2020 due to coronavirus.


19 February 2020: Harlow Council has published the Local Plan Modifications Schedules. The Main Modifications Schedule will be consulted on in March 2020. Also published are the Sustainability Appraisal and Habitats Regulation Assessment relating to the Main Modifications.



20 December 2019:  Harlow Council has published a letter to the Inspector regarding Main Modifications to the Local Plan and a letter from the Inspector in response.

17 December 2019: Harlow Council has published a letter from the Inspector regarding Main Modifications to the Local Plan.


11 November 2019: Harlow Council has published a letter from the Inspector regarding the 2019 general election.

1 November 2019: Harlow Council has published the Statement of Common Ground between Harlow Council and Natural England (EX0067).


14 October 2019: Harlow Council has published consultation responses received by the Programme Officer, regarding the Garden Town Infrastructure Delivery Plan and Strategic Viability Assessment.

1 October 2019: Harlow Council has published a letter from the Harlow Alliance Party.


30 September 2019: Harlow Council has published advice letters and ZoI Map received from Natural England, regarding Hatfield Forest.

24 September 2019: Harlow Council has published the Statement of Common Ground between Harlow Council and Historic England (EX0055).

20 September 2019: Harlow Council has sent an update letter to the Inspector (EX0054).

17 September 2019: Harlow Council has received a letter from the Inspector (EX0053).

6 September 2019: Harlow Council has updated the Examination Documents page to publish Draft Modifications for the Local Plan, correspondence between Natural England and Harlow Council, and correspondence between Historic England and Harlow Council.


19 July 2019: Harlow Council has updated the Examination Documents page to include a Statement of Common Ground between Harlow and Essex County Council.


4 April 2019: Harlow Council has submitted Open Spaces Study extracts relating to HS2 sites to the Inspector (EX0032).

3 April 2019: Harlow Council has updated the Examination Documents page as requested by the Inspector.

1 April 2019: The Inspector has provided a revised Agenda for Matter 6 (EX0022).


29 March 2019: Harlow Council has updated the Examination Documents page as requested by the Inspector.

28 March 2019: Harlow Council has submitted Statement of Common Ground Harlow District Council and Thames Water to the Inspector  (EX0019).

22 March 2019: Harlow Council has submitted Statement of Common Ground Harlow District Council and Essex County Council to the Inspector (EX0018).

19 March 2019: Harlow Council has submitted Habitats Regulations Assessment March 2019 to the Inspector (HSD5b).

18 March 2019: The Inspector has provided Agenda and programme for the examination hearing sessions (EX0016 and EX0017).

14 March 2019: Harlow Council has submitted Five Year Housing Land Supply to the Inspector (EX0015).

12 March 2019: The Inspector has provided a programme for the examination hearing sessions (EX0014).

12 March 2019: Harlow Council has submitted HS2 Sites Details to the Inspector (EX0013).

6 March 2019: Harlow Council has submitted the Harlow Council hearing Statement (EX0012 in relation to EX0006).

6 March 2019: Harlow Council has notified the Inspector that the following documents are now available on the Council's website under the examination documents: Statement of Common Ground East of Harlow (Site) (EX0011).


21 February 2019: Harlow Council has notified the Inspector that the Harlow and Gilston Garden Town Sustainable Transport Corridor Strategy is now available on the council’s evidence webpage.

12 February 2019: The Inspector has provided an updated programme for the examination hearing sessions (EX0010).

5 February 2019: The Inspector has provided further information with regards to the forthcoming independent examination hearing sessions including: Notification of Inspectors examination documents (EX0005), List of matters and questions (EX0006) Examination guidance note (EX0007) and Draft hearing programme (EX0008).

1 February 2019: Harlow Council has submitted the Regulation 19 summary of response schedule (EX0004 in relation to item 1 of letter EX0001).


14 January 2019: Harlow Council has submitted the Green Belt modifications schedule (EX0003 in relation to item 2 of letter EX0001).

10 January 2019: Harlow Council has notified the Inspector that the Harlow and Gilston Garden Town Watercycle Study, Harlow and Gilston Garden Town Vision and Harlow and Gilston Garden Town Design Guide are now available on the council's evidence webpage.

9 January 2019: Programme Officer’s letter has been circulated setting out further details of the Examination including provisional hearing dates.



20 December 2018: Harlow Council has submitted additional plans in relation to item 2 and 3 of letter EX0001 (Map 1, Map 2 and Map 3).

19 December 2018: Harlow Council's initial response to the Inspector’s letter (EX0001 and EX0002).

14 December 2018: Following a preliminary review of the submitted material, the Inspector has raised several matters and requests (EX0001).


7 November 2018: David Reed appointed as Inspector – Inspectorate Letter published.


19 October 2018: Local Plan submitted to the Secretary of State.