Peer reviews

We undertake peer reviews to make sure we are continuously improving as a council. There is not a legal obligation to undertake reviews, but we commission them to make sure we challenge ourselves to offer the best service we can.

Corporate Peer Challenge

We carried out a Corporate Peer Challenge (CPC) from 27 February to 2 March 2023 with the Local Government Association (LGA).

The LGA offers all councils a CPC at no cost every 5 years. It provides councils with a robust and effective improvement tool delivered by others in the sector.

The process consisted of interviews and focus groups with staff across the council and with our external partners. It focussed on 5 themes:

  1. Local priorities and outcomes.
  2. Organisational and place leadership.
  3. Governance and culture.
  4. Financial planning and management.
  5. Capacity for improvement.

The team was led by Trevor Holden, Managing Director of Broadland District Council and South Norfolk Council. Trevor was supported by senior figures from a range of other councils across the country. 

The full team was:

  • Councillor William Nunn (Breckland District Council - Conservative)
  • Michelle Howard (Director for Housing and Communities and Deputy Chief Executive, Melton Borough Council)
  • Elizabeth Warhurst (Head of Legal and Commercial Services and Monitoring Officer, North West Leicestershire District Council)
  • Gereint Stoneman (Head of Strategy, Warwickshire County Council)
  • Chris Bowron (LGA Peer Challenge Manager)

Report and action plan

You can read a copy of the:

Communications peer review

We carried out a communications peer review from 17 to 19 October 2022 with the LGA. 

These reviews are voluntary and form part of a package of peer support the LGA offers to councils.

The review looked at the effectiveness of the council's internal and external communication activities and helped to identify areas where we can make improvements and develop our communications activities.

The peer review team was made up of communications professionals from other councils and representatives from the LGA. The members of the review team were:

  • Lead peer: Fran Collingham (LGA associate and former Assistant Director of Communications at Coventry City Council)
  • Officer peer: Sandy Eaton (Strategic Communications and Marketing Manager, Stevenage Council)
  • Officer peer: Michael Hann (Strategic Communications Manager, Huntingdonshire District Council)
  • Member peer: Councillor Rory Love (Kent County Council and Chairperson of the Growth, Economic Development and Communities Committee)
  • Review manager: Matt Nicholls (Head of Communications Support and Improvement, LGA)
  • Shadow peers: Daisy Roberts and Nick Sutton (both from the LGA media team)


You can read a copy of the: