
A non-dependant is someone over the age of 18 who lives in your household, but does not pay rent.

A non-dependent could be a:

  • relative
  • friend
  • child that you no longer get Child Benefit for

If you have a non-dependant living in your home, we normally reduce the amount of benefit or support you get, as it's assumed that most adults living with you should contribute towards the rent.

The reduction applies whether the non-dependent is contributing to the rent or not.

We take set amounts off your benefit depending on the non-dependant’s weekly income.


We do not make a deduction for any non-dependant, if you or your partner is:

  • registered blind
  • getting Attendance Allowance, or Constant Attendance Allowance
  • getting the care component of Disability Living Allowance (DLA)
  • getting the standard, or enhanced rate, of the Daily Living Component of Personal Independence Payment (PIP)
  • getting Armed Forces Independence Payment

We do not make a deduction if the non-dependant:

  • is under 18
  • is under 25 and getting Income Support or income-based JSA or ESA (assessment phase)
  • is under 25, has no earned income and is getting Universal Credit
  • is on work-based training for young people and getting a training allowance
  • is a full-time student or student nurse
  • has been in hospital for more than 52 weeks
  • is in legal custody
  • usually lives elsewhere
  • is getting Pension Credits
  • is the child of you, or your partner and is in the armed forces, deployed on operations


Housing Benefit deductions

Housing Benefit deductions
Non-dependant situation Deducation
Receiving State Pension credit None
Receiving main phase Employment and Support Allowance £19.30
Receiving assessment phase Employment and Support Allowance None
Aged 25 or over and on Income Support or Job Seekers Allowance £19.30
Aged 18 or over and not in paid work £19.30
Aged 18 and over and in paid work with a gross income less than £154 £19.30
Aged 18 and over and in paid work with a gross income over £154 but less than £224 £44.40
Aged 18 and over and in paid work with a gross income over £224 but less than £292 £60.95
Aged 18 and over and in paid work with a gross income over £292 but less than £389 £99.65
Aged 18 and over and in paid work with a gross income over £389 but less than £484 £113.50
Aged 18 and over and in paid work with a gross income over £484 £124.55

Council Tax Support deductions

Council Tax Support deductions
Non-dependant situation Deduction
Receiving State Pension credit None
Receiving assessment phase Employment and Support Allowance None
Income Support or Job Seekers Allowance None
Aged 18 and over and in paid work with a gross income less than £224 £4.90
Aged 18 and over and in paid work with a gross income over £224 but less than £389 £10.05
Aged 18 and over and in paid work with a gross income over £389 but less than £484 £12.60
Aged 18 and over and in paid work with a gross income over £484 £15.10