Temporary events notice

You will need a temporary events notice (TEN) if you want to carry out a ‘licensable activity’ on unlicensed premises.

Licensable activity includes:

You will also need a TEN if you want to operate outside the terms of your existing premises licence.

If your premises is already licensed to sell alcohol until at least 11pm, you will benefit from an automatic extension until 1am the following morning.

This extension is dependent on England or Scotland reaching either the semi or the final (a home nation team must play in that match for the extension). The extension does not apply to any other teams.

Late-night refreshment will only be extended in premises also licensed for on-sales of alcohol. The relaxation does not apply to off-sales of alcohol or regulated entertainment.

As the final is on a Sunday (and the semi-finals midweek), any licensed premises that does not have the sale of alcohol until at least 11pm on these days, will not be eligible for the extension and will need to apply for a TEN.


Your event must:

  • have fewer than 500 people at all times – including staff running the event
  • last no more than 168 hours (7 days)

You must be at least 18 to apply for a TEN.

You can only apply for a TEN as an individual, not an organisation.

Number of notices you can apply for

You need a TEN for each event you hold on the same premises.

You can get up to 5 TENs a year. If you already have a personal licence to sell alcohol, you can be given up to 50 TENs a year.

A single premises can have up to 15 TENs applied for in one year, as long as the total length of the events is not more than 21 days.

If you’re organising separate but consecutive events, there must be at least a 24 hour gap between them.


You must apply at least 10 clear working days before your event.

To apply for a TEN, you also need to:

  • pay the £21 fee

We will acknowledge your application within one working day of receiving it.

Once you have applied online, we will inform the local police and Environmental Health services of your application. 

Late TENs

The latest you can apply for a ‘late TEN’ is 5 clear working days before the event (but not earlier than 9 clear working days).

If you do not hold a personal licence, you can serve up to 2 late TENs per year. If you hold a personal licence, the limit is 10. Late TENs count towards the total number of permitted TENs.


We can only refuse a notice if the police or Environmental Health object to it. They must do this within 3 working days of receiving the notice. They can only object if they think your event could:

  • lead to crime and disorder
  • cause a public nuisance
  • threaten public safety
  • put children at risk of harm

If there is an objection, we will hold a hearing, where we will either approve, add conditions or reject your notice. You can appeal their decision at the magistrates court within 21 days of them making it, and at least 5 working days before your event.

If the police or Environmental Health object to a late TEN, you will not be able to hold the event.

If we do refuse your notice, we will serve a formal counter notice. We will not refund your fee.

Displaying your notice

You must keep your TEN in a safe place where the event is held.

You must also display a copy of the notice where it can be easily seen.