Find Your Active Harlow funding

The Find Your Active Harlow fund offers funding of up to £2,000 for physical activity projects. 

The purpose of the grant is to fund initiatives in Harlow which increase physical activity and improve healthy weight. Physical activity projects do not need to have a weight management focus, but weight management led projects must include physical activity.

We will consider all projects, but will give preference to projects that deliver outcomes against more than one priority from the Harlow health and wellbeing strategy.

The priorities are:

  • reducing health inequalities in Harlow by focusing on the wider determinants of health
  • increasing physical activity and improving healthy weight
  • improving mental health and wellbeing, including reducing suicide rates
  • addiction issues, including reduction of alcohol and substance misuse
  • supporting long term independence for all sections of Harlow’s community

Your project

  • must be delivered within Harlow and must benefit Harlow residents (projects do not need to focus on underrepresented groups and individuals but projects that do may be prioritised)
  • can be new or existing but if existing, you must demonstrate why the funding is needed and how it will sustain participation or encourage new participation
  • can include equipment as part of the application, but it must be intrinsically linked to delivery of the activity
  • can include core costs such as rent, venue hire, and staff costs, but you must demonstrate how the project or activity will be sustainable once the funded period ends

Project grants are expected to be in the region of £250 to £2,000. 


To apply for funding, complete a Find Your Active Harlow funding application form (pdf)

Send your completed application form to Your application will then be sent to a funding panel for a decision. The decision of the panel will be final.

There is no application deadline but projects must complete and evaluation be submitted no later than March 2024. 

What happens next

If your application is successful, all your participants need to complete the participant data form.

The form includes details of postcode, age, gender, disability, ethnicity, physical activity levels, and general wellbeing.

This must be submitted by participants at the start of the project, and then once per quarter until the final submission at the end of the project.

If participants cannot complete this form, the project lead will need to collect the data and complete the form.

Throughout the project, you need to record numbers of participants and frequency of their attendance.

You will also need to use marketing materials provided by Active Essex and Find Your Active Harlow and develop social media content in partnership with Active Essex and Find Your Active Harlow.

At the end of the project, you need to complete a partner survey.

The funding is provided by Active Essex, the Physical Activity and Sport Partnership for Essex, Southend and Thurrock. The funding is distributed by Find Your Active Harlow, administered by Harlow Council.