Who counts as an adult for Council Tax and who is responsible for paying it.
Check which band your property is in and how much Council Tax you need to pay.
Methods to pay your Council Tax, including setting up a direct debit and how to spread payments over 12 months.
Let us know if you have moved into or out of an address in Harlow.
Includes single person discount, people who are not counted for Council Tax and exempt properties.
If you are struggling to pay your Council Tax, you may be able to make a claim for Council Tax Support.
If you are receiving Council Tax Support, but still struggling to pay your Council Tax, then you may be able to apply for extra support.
How many reminders we will send you, and what you need to do if you miss a payment.
How your Council Tax is split between Essex County Council, Essex police, Essex fire service and Harlow Council. What we spend our portion of your Council Tax on.
Being a Freeman on the Land does not remove your liability or responsibility to pay Council Tax.
How to notify us is somebody dies and what you need to do.