Leaseholder repairs


Right to repair

You can use the right to repair scheme to get small repair jobs fixed quickly. If we do not carry out repair works within the target time, you may have the right to claim.

If you think your repair would come under the right to repair, you need to contact HTS (Property & Environment) Ltd.

The repair must cost less than £250 to carry out.

Right to Repair descriptions and target working days to fix
Description of repair Target time to fix (working days)
Total loss of water supply 1
Partial loss of water 3
Total loss of gas supply 1
Blocked communal flue to boiler 1
Total or partial loss of space or water heating between 31 October and 1 May. Where connected to a communal heating system 1
Total or partial loss of space or water heating between 30 April and 1 November. Where connected to a communal heating system 3
Blocked or leaking foul drain, communal soil stack (where there is no other working toilet in the dwelling-house) 1
Leaking water or heating pipe, tank or cistern. Where connected to a communal heating and hot water system 1
Leaking roof 7
Insecure external window 1
Door entry phone not working 7