Local land charges

The local land charges register is a central source of information on properties within Harlow.

When you buy a property or piece of land, it’s important that you or your solicitor arrange for a search of the register. This will tell you about any restrictions (charges) which may affect the property or land.

There are 2 types of searches of the local land charges register:

  • official search (LLC1 and CON29)
  • personal search

Official search

Official local authority searches are usually undertaken by a solicitor or conveyancer acting on behalf of a person buying or selling property or land.

An official local authority search is made up of:

  • LLC1 form, which is a search of the local land charges register, which we have a statutory duty to maintain.
  • CON29 (R) required questions form and CON29 (O) optional questions form, which requests details of information that may affect a specific property or piece of land.

The LLC1 form includes information about:

  • financial charges
  • tree preservation orders
  • renovation grants
  • conservation areas
  • listed buildings
  • planning charges
  • enforcement notices

The CON29 (R) required questions form includes information about:

  • planning applications
  • building regulations and certificates for works
  • highways and traffic
  • the environment
  • public paths and byways
  • the current or proposed local plan policies

You can request optional questions by submitting the CON29 (O) form and indicating which enquiries you need.

You can also make additional enquiries if you want to ask the council for information which is not covered by the required and optional questions.

Request an official search

To request a search, you will need to submit:

  • the relevant local land charge search form (LLC1 or CON29R) - your solicitor will have these forms or you can buy them from law stationers
  • an up to date scaled site plan showing the extent and location of the land or property clearly edged in red
  • the correct fee – we accept payment by BACS, please contact local.landcharges@harlow.gov.uk for details

You can make your request by email to local.landcharges@harlow.gov.uk.



One parcel of land: £27.02

Additional parcels: £6.77

CON29 (R) only

One parcel of land: £152.74

Additional parcels: £24.35

CON29 (R) including LLC1

One parcel of land: £179.76

Additional parcels: £31.13

CON29 (O) optional enquiries

Each printed enquiry: £19.46

Q22 – Registered common land: £16.80

Additional enquiries

Each additional enquiry: £29.17

These fees are inclusive of VAT. VAT is not chargeable on the LLC1 element.

Personal search

A personal search is a search of the local land charges register only.

The person carrying out the personal search is responsible for identifying the land or property and making notes of any information held on the register. We are not obliged to answer any supplementary or additional enquiries when you are making a personal search.

A personal search of the register is carried out at the council’s offices.

There is no charge for this service.

You will need to make a separate appointment with other council departments who hold records that are available for public inspection:

If you want to request a personal search, you need to contact us by email for an appointment. You need to include:

  • a plan of the property or land to be searched
  • your company name
  • contact name
  • telephone number

We will acknowledge your request and contact you by email once the information is ready to view.

Contact information

Local Land Charges
Harlow Council
Civic Centre
The Water Gardens
College Square
Harlow CM20 1WG
01279 446696
01279 446046