Street naming and numbering

Harlow Council is the street naming and numbering authority for the Harlow area.

We work with Royal Mail and developers to make sure that suitable names are chosen. We give details of names and numbers to other organisations including the emergency services.

For more information, you can read our street naming and numbering policy (pdf)

Register an address or street 

You can register an address or street for a new build, division of an existing property and conversion of an existing building.

To register an address or street, you will need:

  • number of residential or non-residential plots
  • planning approval number
  • location plan (this must be easily referenced to the neighbouring area already mapped by Ordnance Survey)
  • detail plan (clearly indicating the main entrance to the property and covering all levels indicating plot numbers)
  • to pay the correct fee from the table below


Fees for street naming services
Service Fee
New development of 1 to 5 plots £70 per plot
New development of 6 to 50 plots £300 + £10 per plot
New development of 51 plots or more £550 + £5 per plot
New street name £300 per street
Change to the new addresses after development schedule has been issued £50 per plot
Renaming of a street (where requested by residents) £450 per street
Naming of building block, flat block or industrial area £110 per block or area

Add or change a property name

You can add a property name to your numbered property, and change a property name if it already has one.

To add or change a property name you need to make sure the name:

  • is unique
  • does not include the word ‘flat’
  • cannot be considered obscene or racist
  • is not a living person’s name
  • reflects the history of the area (where possible)


The application fee to add a property name to a numbered property is £40

The application fee to change a property name is £100