Polling stations review

We have to review our polling districts, places and stations every 4 years. 

A polling district is the geographical area created by sub-dividing a constituency or ward.

A polling place is the building or area in which a polling station is located.

A polling station is the actual room or area where voting takes place.

We review the polling districts, places and stations, to make sure that they have reasonable facilities for voting and are accessible to everyone.

The last full review in Harlow took place in May 2024 and the last interim review took place in July 2023.

Full review 2024

We are conducting an full review of the polling districts and polling places in Harlow.

You can give us your comments on the current polling stations.

You can view a copy of the:

When we chose a polling station, we have to consider:

  • location - being within easy reach of electors from that polling district
  • size - being large enough to accommodate all electors and staff to provide a good service
  • availability - being available to use as a polling place on polling day
  • accessibility - being accessible to all electors, including those with disabilities

You can also send your comments by email to: elections@harlow.gov.uk or by post to: Electoral Services, Harlow District Council, Latton Bush Centre, Southern Way, Harlow CM18 7BL.

The consultation closes on Friday 31 August 2024.

Final proposals will be considered at the Full Council meeting on 31 October 2024, and if approved, any changes will come into effect immediately.

Other reviews: